CUE Presentations
Post date: Mar 15, 2013 6:20:54 PM
Hi Attendees of my sessions at #CUE13! I promised I'd post my presentations on my sessions and here are the links! Thank you all for coming and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions! My advice is:
- Don't be afraid to let your students help you- a simple "We will embark on this adventure together" goes a long way with them.
- Start out small with the blogs if you aren't quite comfortable- a class blog with student posts is a great start.
- Remember- it is virtually impossible to break stuff today, and even if you did warrantees go a long way these days. Try it out, play with it. Spend the summer creating and maintaining your own blogs.
Flipping the English Class: Thursday session at 2pm (Note: for the privacy of my students, I've removed photos which show student faces)
Blogging in the Classroom: Friday session at 10am