26 Uses for QR Codes in the Classroom
Post date: May 15, 2013 10:48:45 PM
I am currently writing material for a new workshop about QR Codes in the classroom. If you don't know much about QR Codes, they are those funny electronic-looking things that people are always scanning with their phones.
As I am doing research, there are two QR code generators I really like (generator is the place you go to make them- for free!):
Microsoft TAG: Free, with sign-up or Microsoft Live Account. I love this service because it gives you a personal dashboard with a saved file of every QR code you generate and the option to edit them to reuse. It also has analytics which trace the location, time, and frequency of each scan.
QrStuff.com: They give you 20 different options for what kind of information people will scan, including an auto-generated email! Pretty awesome!
What app is best to scan and open a code?
Microsoft TAG App is the best. It will scan the Tags and regular QR codes AND it will save a history of all of your scans so you don't accidentally lose the webpage or information. It is available in most app stores.
I've compiled a pretty awesome list of ways you can use them in your classroom tomorrow, next week, or as a basis for a really cool unit. Check them out and tweet me @techclassroom if you have more ideas I can add to the list.
Uses in the classroom:
- Scavenger Hunts with email or textEnhanced Bulletin Board w/links to video, audio, visual
- QR Code nameplate, name on door, etc to let people know more about you
- Conference badges: let people know more about you on your name tag
- Links to YouTube Videos (or other video w/url)
- Material you want students to explore in free time
- Additional information about unit (websites, video, audio clips)
- Online surveys/forms
- At exit with night’s assignment
- Add video clips with QR codes to text for interactive experience (novels, student-generated work, etc)
- Elem: games/pictures/tasks related to reading
- MS/HS: Sidebar Stories, character/author commentary
- Recipe Book: Pictures/video about recipe
- Non-Fiction: Add content updates since the article/book was published
- Museum: Add audio for pictures/artwork
- Site Markers: Use QR codes to describe locations around the classroom or campus
- Travel Brochure: 21st century up the brochure assignment by asking students to incorporate QR codes on the brochure.
- Promote Events around campus
- Google Maps: Get a walking map or directions by putting in the unique URL of a map you create on Google Maps
- If you want students to download an app on their phones for class, have them scan the URL for it.
- Photography Art: Create a gallery experience by framing QR codes that lead the viewer to photographs- change them each week!
- Have students create a collection of photos, videos, and videos to go with favorite stories (bedtime or chapter books)
- Board Game: If you have students design their own game for a unit, ask them to make it interactive by adding music, video, and other multi-media with QR codes
- Put QR codes on the periodic table poster to a wiki page or a short video about the element.
- Add author information to quotes in room
- Add podcasts of poems to poems
- Assigned book/reading/units
- Links to book reviews
- Online versions of your assignments
- Classroom Calendar of events with upcoming due dates
- Related videos/articles
- Reading questions with spoiler alerts
- Students create their own museum from reading or unit with self-paced audio/visual tour
- Put previous week’s homework answers on current week’s homework
- Homework or Test Answers
- Classroom or School Library: Link to book reviews, videos, and podcasts with authors or reading of text